Take your results to the next level
with Pro Analysis.
You work hard in TaG classes, and see yourself getting stronger and faster, but do you want to understand more about your performance? It's easy to see all the metrics and feedback on your computer in class, but are you unsure how to interpret your results?
NOW you can add TaG Pro Analysis to your class packages and join the TaG Coaching Training Peaks group. Every TaG workout is easily uploaded to your provided Training Peaks account and analyzed weekly by a member of our professional coaching team. Add your own personal notes on your efforts and real-life stresses, fatigue etc. for fully personalized feedback.
You will get valuable feedback on your performance, fitness progress and tips to improve both your workouts and your overall training and fitness with better pacing approach, recovery balance, and nutrition.
Learn about advanced power metrics like Normalized Power, Power: HR ratios, Training Stress Score, Training Load etc. so you can get the most out of every effort.
Your review will come directly to your training peaks acct. Each 8 weeks your progress and training questions will be answered in depth in a call with your coach
Sign up through our online training programs.
Book your Pro Analysis here
$139 / month for Pro analysis
Already on a Monthly Training plan with a TaG coach ? Add Pro Analysis for + $100 / month