New Rider FAQs
Click on the Class schedule and “Book“. If you are not a member you will be prompted to create a TaG account and enter your contact information including your pedal system. Please arrive 15 min early to your first class so we can set up your bike.
Already a member? Search for the class you want on the TaG schedule – then click “Book”
Your bike is reserved when you register for a class. After your first visit we will set up your bike to your specific measurement before each class. We allow check-in up to the last minute…please give us 24 hours and we can guarantee your bike will be ready to ride. If less than that, please arrive early so we can set up your bike.
24 Hours Prior. We set up your bike so you can show up and ride, so please cancel 24 hours prior. If your plans change at the last minute, please login and cancel on your class. Late cancellations – less than 24 hours will be charged for the class. Please email us if you have had an emergency situation.
Yes, our TaGCycle packages have an expiry date of 1 year. Some special promotions or camps have a shorter expiry date, but these will be noted in the store.
Yes, you will need to purchase classes to join a class. After creating a TaG account, you will be able to purchase a class or package through the online store.
We want you to come and ride with us! Email us at info@tagcycling.com if you just can’t figure out how to register for a class.
If you already use the MIND BODY app for booking classes – you can sync your account to your TaG account – Go to settings (“more” on an iPhone – then settings) – verification code – Click SEND – TaG cycling should be listed if you use the same email on both accounts.
NO. TaG Cycling is passionate about bringing the sport of cycling to everybody. We offer classes of all levels from beginner to pro. We coach the techniques of cycling in a fun environment while working on your fitness. TaG started by coaching beginners to the sport. Many of our riders have “become” competent, but they didn’t start that way.
Bring or wear your shorts (preferably padded cycling shorts), your cycling shoes (or runners if that is what you use), and a water bottle. You may also bring your own heart rate monitor or Garmin . Towels are provided and filtered water is unlimited. We have 1 shower in the North Vancouver studio if you need to make a quick get away after class.
As hard as you want it to be. Personalization of power training numbers assists in managing the effort, regardless of the class. There are longer class options with harder workouts; it depends on the class you choose. Click on TaGCycle Indoor for a full description.
Depending on how hard you work and your body weight, you can burn anywhere from 300-1200 calories in a class. This is directly related to power output on average. A larger stronger rider will burn more calories. We find the average woman uses 300-700 per hour. The average man uses 500-1200. However, this is dictated by body mass as well as physical ability. A very small woman may be at the low end of the scale. But, we have very small women with high power to weight capability: this equals a lot of calories burned. Don’t forget it is not all about what is burned during a session. Metabolism will be kick started to charge all day. And power sports help build muscle density which also burns more energy. All good things!
Absolutely! Combined with healthy eating habits, we have riders in TaG who have lost 10, 20, 30lbs and more. But they have lost it in a sustainable way.
Here is a testimonial:
“I saw my Dr. today to review the results of my tests. She was amazed. Apparently for my age I have the highest cardio test results than any one she has ever seen. She was blown away at my results and wants me to maintain them. She said cycling has done wonders but she can back off now (LOL) as I’m in the top category for my age!”
Other than improving your fitness, recent TaG cyclists have reported a marked decrease in cholesterol and weight loss.
TaG workouts are derived from our thousands of hours of training to get to multiple Olympic Games. There is no time wasted. Training is riding specific as well as technique. We have riders who have come to improve their riding and have improved spectacularly on the bike. 2 Time Age Group Long Course World Champion Colleen Gray Hewett attributes much of her success to being fast and relaxed on the bike.
There is much to be gained from proper technique and training. Never underestimate working on pedal stroke and specific intervals to top off the base knowledge you already have.
Sign up for a Virtual class on the TaG Schedule. You will receive a Zoom Invitation link 1 hr before the start of the class. Using a mobile device ? Download the Zoom Cloud meeting app and login to class 5 min early to check your audio and video settings.
More Live Stream Questions? See Livestream FAQ
Over 100 Public TaG Video Workouts are available on the TaG Cycling YouTube channel. Click Here to Subscribe. There is no fee for Public workouts.
If you are receiving a “rejected” message when logging in or trying to book from our website please check your browser settings and “allow cookies”. You can also book a class through the MindBody App – search for TaG Cycling – North Vancouver location to book VIRTUAL classes. Still having a problem email TaG.
Check your junk mail if you are missing class reminders or emails from TaG. Several email providers have added new privacy screens sending group emails to junk folders or spam.
If you leave items in the studio we will keep them in our lost and found for 30 days. We have a growing collection of water bottles and clothing so please drop by and see if we have your items.
Where did the name TaG come from ? TaG original founders Lesley Tomlinson (T) and Gina Grain (G).
We have current LOOK, Shimano Road and Shimano MTB SPD. We also have a few baskets (for running shoes) that we can set up with your bike. If you are using an older or different style of cleat, please bring your pedals. Not sure which pedal you have – see cleats in photo below. Note Peloton cleats look like LOOK, but are not the same, we will set you up with shoes for trial.
Shimano Road
Shimano MTB