Fondo Prep

Those of you looking for some guidance or group training for the Tour de Victoria August 17 or Whistler Gran Fondo Sept 7. We have lots of ways to up your training a level.

TaG has climbing classes Tuesdays and Thursdays. Super climb 2 on July 20 and Ride to Baker on August 10. Paceline Progression also continues on Wednesday and a new time has been added. These can all be accessed by our regular class packs and specific climbing packs.

If you feel you would like your riding and training plan revised and prepared by a coach, TaG has a Fondo special training program that includes a personalized plan to fit your life and consults with the coach to keep you on track.

Questions? e mail :


RBC Whistler GranFondo Shakeout Ride


Outdoor Paceline Wedesdays